May 25, 2009

Metal Mania

This is one of my newest creations....I'm finally tinkering more with metals and find it so satisfying! It's taken a few months, but I've been gradually acquiring the tools needed to work with sterling silver and need only a couple more to begin soldering, cutting, etc. on my own (rather than in a class). Thus far I've been working with sterling and copper wire since that doesn't require the extra equipment or finishing steps.
However, I have the following and hope to use them soon:

Pickle pot
Third hand tweezers
Copper tongs
Solder wire
Pickling solution

I am looking for an affordable tumbler, and also jeweler's saw with blades. Please leave a comment if you know of a great source. I've purchased several items from Finding King, but maybe someone could sell me a used tumbler.

Meanwhile, I just sketch my ideas. I've been doing that for years and I'm thrilled that I'm actually creating some of them. But late at night or in waiting rooms at least I can make designs that will hopefully be hammered, twisted and soldered at a later point.

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